Mining & Resources
PPSR UPDATE: Serial Numbered Goods

PPSR UPDATE: Serial Numbered Goods

WELCOME CHANGES TO THE PPSA COMMENCE TOMORROW Up until now, leases or bailments of certain serial numbered goods (such as motor vehicles) for a term of 90 days or more were deemed to give rise to security interests under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth)...

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Risk Allocation Tools: Indemnities

Risk Allocation Tools: Indemnities

WHAT IS AN INDEMNITY? In its simplest form an indemnity is an agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to cover loss and damage suffered by another. As such indemnities are a very effective tool to allocate risk between transacting parties. The risk we...

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Risk Allocation Tools: Indemnities

Risk Allocation Tools: Indemnities

WHAT IS AN INDEMNITY? In its simplest form an indemnity is an agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to cover loss and damage suffered by another. As such indemnities are a very effective tool to allocate risk between transacting parties. The risk we...

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